Meet Keri
Hi, I’m Keri.
I write books that explore the intersection of faith and our hectic lives, inviting readers to Breathe, Listen and Rest. I’m the author of twelve books, and co-author or contributor to more than a dozen more. I’m passionate about helping readers discover how to live a sanely-paced, God-focused life. I also love collaborating with other authors, serving as a ghostwriter, collaborator and publishing adventure guide.
If you’re like me, Jesus’ words frame your longings so perfectly:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message)
If you’re longing to live in the “unforced rhythms of grace,” you’re in the right place. You’ll find resources, from books to blogs to free downloads, all created to encourage, mentor and help you to breathe, listen and rest. To experience God’s love more fully, in the midst of your beautiful and messy life.
Join me on the adventure?
I’d love to keep in touch by email. Click below to subscribe, and you’ll receive a free gift! And follow me on Instagram where I post short video devotions more frequently.
I also help other authors write and publish their books–both traditional publishing and self-publishing. So if you want to create a resource that will establish you as an authority in your field, and need a ghostwriter, collaborative writer or publishing adventure guide, click here to learn more about A Powerful Story.

Professional Experience
Provide collaborative writing and editing services including:
- Marketing content
- Blog posts
- Books
- Curriculum
- Social media
- Write content based on client ideas and marketing goals.
See more at
Manage and facilitate creation of innovative curriculum with accompanying DVD teaching.
My responsibilities as content director include:
- product development and ideation
- manage and motivate a team of eight writers, editors, videographers, photographers
- manage workflow, implementation and execution of 9 to 12 projects simultaneously
- write curriculum, website copy, marketing copy
- direct video production and edit video
- innovate ideas for small group campaigns and studies
- coach our clients
I’ve written more than 50 small group study guides for our clients, including our Easter study.
Create and manage content for social media marketing campaigns for publishing clients at C. Grant & Co. Marketing, Wheaton, IL including Twitter, Facebook, Twitter, Wikihow, YouTube. Engage readers via social media channels to increase engagement, increase book sales and brand awareness for major publishing companies including Zondervan, Thomas Nelson, B&H. Created and conducted customized training for authors on using social media.
See full resume on LinkedIn
Statement of Faith
“I have known Keri for over 20 years and recently had the privilege of working with her to write three small group study guides, as well as a book proposal that led to offers from two major Christian publishers. She is a gifted writer who works fast and has very thick skin – a rare combination. And she is very smart, creative and soulish, which allows her to add tremendous value to a project.”
GREG HAWKINS, Minister of Ministry Development, Oak Hills Church; former Executive Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church; co-creator and lead practitioner of the REVEAL research initiative.