This is a loud season, full of good busy and hectic hustle, both joy and stress. We long for a simple and meaningful Christmas, we want to be present during this Advent season. Often, our fear gets in the way of our faith.

We want to gather, but the threat of Covid still kind of lurks in the background even as we plan celebrations. Everything is more expensive and we’re kind of thinking–maybe we should dial it back a notch. Make Christmas a little simpler. But even as we strive for simplicity, we see others for whom “simplicity” is not a choice but their only option.


I see you, harried one. Drowning in to-do lists and projects, work and kids and social obligations. I see you, wanting to do something about the suffering or struggles of others, yet uncertain of how to help, and not sure how you’d find the time to do any more anyway. Feeling overwhelmed, longing for rest.

The counterintuitive truth: sometimes our most meaningful action is preceded by quiet reflection. Contemplation, pondering things in our heart, can help us to not just act, but to set our intentions in the most meaningful and helpful way.

You know that the days between now and Christmas will be full. What would happen if you carve out time to be quiet and listen to God, making space for God to speak to you and guide you through this hectic season? Could you give yourself the gift of a few quiet moments.

In that spirit, here’s an Advent post that I wrote a few years ago about one of my favorite characters in the Christmas story, Zechariah. It’s an invitation to consider the power of quiet–even quiet we may not choose.

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