Three Bible Words That Might Surprise You
Taking time each day to read the Bible can help us grow spiritually, and experience God’s love. Truth? I am sometimes tempted to skip this spiritual practice or hurry through it, because I think I've [...]
Taking time each day to read the Bible can help us grow spiritually, and experience God’s love. Truth? I am sometimes tempted to skip this spiritual practice or hurry through it, because I think I've [...]
There are few phrases that can stir up argument as readily as "biblical womanhood" or "biblical manhood." Patriarchists particularly have used those words to define roles within hierarchy--telling women that the bible restricts their participation [...]
Most Good Fridays, I go to my suburban church where I watch a service that is beautiful, moving, tear-jerking at times. It has been planned out for months, every note of music carefully scripted, every video [...]
What do you think of when you hear the words, "fully present"? Present means to be here. When you were in school, maybe your teachers took attendance. Students would respond to their name by saying, [...]
What, or whom, do you adore? Your kids, your spouse, your friends? Coffee or chocolate? An adorable cappuccino. We tend to use the word adore and all its iterations rather lightly. "That is [...]
On hard days, we wonder--where is God? We strain to hear the voice of love over the noise of our lives. But what if it is not that God is silent, but that we are [...]
Many of you remember my 2005 book Breathe. I know some of you continue to use it as a resource for small group discussions or your moms' ministries, or just to remind yourself to slow [...]
My race training schedule today called for "4 miles easy" today. About a year ago, I would not have used "4 miles" and "easy" in the same paragraph, much less the same sentence. But when [...]
OR: Why I didn’t, and still won’t, drop my sponsored child When I heard about World Vision’s recent decision to allow hiring of employees in same-sex marriages, it never even occurred to me to drop [...]
Today's warm weather (and the threat of more snow later this week) got me thinking about spring cleaning. Does anyone do that anymore? I need to, of course--in the house, in the backyard, where the [...]