The perfect gift (and the story behind it)

By |2018-03-02T18:58:53-06:00December 23rd, 2011|

Sometimes the best gift you can give someone is prayer, even if you don't know them. Today, many of us are last-minute shopping and wrapping, desperate to figure out what would be the perfect gift. [...]

Win a book!

By |2018-03-02T18:58:59-06:00December 15th, 2011|

The terrific new book giveaway site, Win Books Weekly, is giving away another of my books! Go to the site to get all the details. You can enter the contest via Twitter, or if you [...]

The Gift of Christmas Present

By |2018-03-02T18:59:04-06:00December 15th, 2011|

Twice in the last two weeks, I've had the privilege of speaking in local churches, sharing my thoughts on The Gift of Christmas Present. So often, we are so busy and distracted, we cannot catch [...]

Advent Soul Care

By |2018-03-02T18:59:07-06:00December 7th, 2011|

I'm guest blogging at Gifted For Leadership (a leadership blog for women) today, on caring for your soul during Advent. Advent anticipates the quiet miracle of the incarnation. How can we say yes to waiting and [...]

Win a copy of Deeper into the Word

By |2018-03-02T18:59:11-06:00November 29th, 2011|

My newest book, Deeper into the Word: Reflections on 100 Old Testament Words, is now in stores. It's been described as "a devotional that helps calm the spirit, enlighten the mind,and provide food for the [...]

Fasting before feasting

By |2018-03-02T18:59:14-06:00November 17th, 2011|

A week from today, Americans will gather around tables and eat. A lot. We will feast. Despite the name of the day, many will do so mindlessly. They will feast without being thankful, stress out [...]

Healing Solitude

By |2011-11-12T21:35:51-06:00November 12th, 2011|

In the last seven days, I've stood up in front of people and given a talk seven times. Today, after giving two messages back to back at a retreat, I came home thinking I'd need [...]

“I couldn’t possibly…”

By |2018-03-02T18:59:33-06:00October 26th, 2011|

So, if you read the previous post and it made you angry or jealous, keep reading. If you said, "Well, she can do that, but I couldn't possibly..." then let's talk about it. I mean, [...]

“Come away and get some rest”

By |2018-03-02T18:59:39-06:00October 25th, 2011|

In Mark's sometimes fast-paced gospel, we read: "The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. 31Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even [...]

Speaking up

By |2011-10-17T20:30:28-05:00October 17th, 2011|

Poet Muriel Rukeyser concluded one of her powerful poems about women and art by writing these oft-quoted words: "What would happen in one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open." [...]

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