I'm speaking on Sabbath next month, so I thought I'd take some notes on what Sabbath looks like at our house, with two teenagers. Fire, fierce and warming, glows in the worn brick fireplace in [...]
I'm speaking on Sabbath next month, so I thought I'd take some notes on what Sabbath looks like at our house, with two teenagers. Fire, fierce and warming, glows in the worn brick fireplace in [...]
If you don’t know the suburbs, they can look homogenous, a never ending landscape of tract houses and strip malls. But behind what was designed to be safe and middle class and predictable is an [...]
On my 17-year-old daughter’s bedroom mirror, written in dry erase marker, I read, “Now that I have seen, I am responsible. Faith without deeds is dead.” She posted this reminder when she returned from a [...]
Last year was a busy writing year for me, so I have three books releasing in three months this fall! I worked on two collaborative projects, in addition to another book that I’ll tell you [...]
Just a helpful warning: the quickest way to poison your creativity and hush your voice is to wander into the miry clay of comparison. I'm blogging at Redbud Writers Guild today. Here's a taste of [...]
Less than a year ago, my family and I gave away our old mini-van to a welfare mom with five little kids. Today, I got an email saying the van had been having trouble, and [...]
Last night my 17-year-old daughter and I drove to Chicago’s west side. In East Garfield Park, one of the city’s grittier neighborhoods, we drive slow down Carroll Avenue. In the dusk, small children play in [...]
If you're looking for an easy way to go deeper into God's word, I hope you'll join me and the team at Midday Connection on Moody Radio. We've created a free resource to study the [...]
Yesterday, I posted the following on Facebook, and within a few hours, had 28 replies: “Quick--without editing yourself, give me the first three words you think of when I say "describe the Bible." Three words [...]
My 17-year old daughter leans on the open newspaper on the kitchen counter. (Yes, as a former newspaper reporter, I can't quite give up daily delivery of the Chicago Tribune). I love that she reads [...]