Living into Christ’s love during Lent
Ash Wednesday, 2015 Depending on which faith tradition stream you swim in, today is a solemn day of reflection, the beginning of a season of prayer and fasting—or not. I grew up in a evangelical [...]
Ash Wednesday, 2015 Depending on which faith tradition stream you swim in, today is a solemn day of reflection, the beginning of a season of prayer and fasting—or not. I grew up in a evangelical [...]
I’m excited to welcome Micha Boyett, author of Found: A Story of Questions, Grace and Everyday Prayer, to the blog today and tomorrow for a little interview. First, my short review of Found: Being a [...]
It’s Monday. How was church yesterday (if you went)? What, if anything, did you learn or discover while investing an hour or two in your local church? Did going to church yesterday help you to [...]
Many of you remember my 2005 book Breathe. I know some of you continue to use it as a resource for small group discussions or your moms' ministries, or just to remind yourself to slow [...]
I'm blogging at The High Calling channel on today about work, what gives it meaning, significance and joy. Too many Christians buy into a subtle but critical theological mistake: that their work, if they [...]
My race training schedule today called for "4 miles easy" today. About a year ago, I would not have used "4 miles" and "easy" in the same paragraph, much less the same sentence. But when [...]
Have you ever sat in church listening to a sermon, and the pastor says something like, "Well, in the original language, the word in this passage meant..."--and kind of felt a sort of longing, or [...]
OR: Why I didn’t, and still won’t, drop my sponsored child When I heard about World Vision’s recent decision to allow hiring of employees in same-sex marriages, it never even occurred to me to drop [...]
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that [...]
My son, my youngest child, turned 18 yesterday. By some definitions, an adult. A letter from the Selective Service showed up in today’s mail. (Gulp). I will always be his mother, and he will continue [...]